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I am Dave Guti (David Gutierrez), a Colombian composer and independent producer with varying artistic ranges. Even though I have experience in various business fields, I have also been working in the creative industries from a very young age.


This portfolio will help you envisage some of my artistic values, life views and multidisciplinary interests. The two main focuses portrayed are musical expression and soundtracks. Sonically speaking, some of these proposals oscillate within genres such as alternative rock, melodic pop/rock, progressive music, metal, latin rythms and even 80's based music.


Here, you will also find other types of expressive media (audiovisual content, imagery and lyrics) that support a complementary piece of work. When words, aural and visual stimuli are used together to convey a message, a story seems to unfold. In the process, a richer and involving experience is revealed to the audience.


This site is intended to share some of my perspectives, including varying scopes of expression by means of artistic collaboration and experimentation.


There is care and passion in the crafting of every piece you will encounter in my work. I am satisfied if you can make associations between them, as there is always a connection between the artist's produce and his perception of things. These are fragments of the stories I have lived; after all, everything is made out of stories. 


Please enjoy! I hope you will relate to some of my work

                                                                             - Dave

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